
Mira Shanti Cassiopeia – vår superstjärna

✧ 2024-10-19 ✧: We have one kitten left who dreams of a home and love. Join his life and become his most loved person!

Pontus & Penelope

✧ 2024-10-15 ✧: Important news for us – our lilac pointed Pixar, will be moving to his new home together with his mother! We are so happy for him and for him to continue growing up with his mother. Soon we will share more updates about the kittens’ future adventures.

✧ 2024-10-05 ✧: Now the kittens are already three months old, and they have received their second vaccine shot. Everyone has grown a lot, and their energy levels are at an all time high! They are running around and playing, and we are preparing for them to start moving to their new homes soon. One of the chocolate masked females is staying here with us, while the other is preparing to move to her new family in Norway.

Paris & Penelope

✧ 2024-09-13 ✧: Today we went to the vet for the first vaccine, and all the kittens behaved exemplary. They were calm and curious, and mother cat was always by their side, even inside the clinic. We are so proud of how well they did on their first visit.

✧ 2024-09-01 ✧: The kittens are now almost two months old, and we have booked their first vet visit for next week. They are developing so nicely, and their personalities are really starting to emerge. Two of the cubs – the one chocolate-colored female and the chocolate-colored male – already have new homes booked. The little chocolate female will move to Norway. The Chokladhanen, our biggest guy, will live in Malmö .

Pontus – blåmaskad hane

✧ 2024-08-05 ✧: Our little ones are now four weeks old and have started eating solid food! It is incredible to see their progress. The purple guy has now caught up with his siblings and is eating very well. All are happy and curious, and they explore their surroundings with great enthusiasm.

✧ 2024-07-15 ✧: The kittens have now reached 10 days old and have just started to open their eyes! The little purple male has needed a little extra attention from us, as his siblings sometimes pushed him away from his mother’s nipples. We started feeding him separately to ensure he was getting enough nutrition. All are growing fast and full of life.

✧ 2024-07-05 ✧: Today our long-awaited kittens arrived! Our Queen Eurydice gave birth to wonderful cubs: three males (purple, chocolate and blue point males) and chocolate colored females. The birth went very smoothly.


Exhibition: July 6-7 is the time for the long-awaited International Cat Show in Hatstore Arena, Kalmar.
The event is a so-called double category show, where breeds within categories 2 and 4 are shown on Saturday, while breeds within categories 1, 3 and domestic cats take place on Sunday. Open to the public both days between 09:00 and 15:00. Welcome to a nice cat weekend in cozy Kalmar!

Mira Shanti Cassiopeia

Helig Birma